DEV Community

Md. Ashiqur Rahman
Md. Ashiqur Rahman

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Getting Started with the RESTful API Node Starter Template


Creating a RESTful API from scratch can be a daunting task, especially when you need to ensure it's production-ready with all the essential features like authentication, validation, and logging. But what if you could kickstart your project with a robust, fully-configured template? Introducing the Node.js Starter Template, a comprehensive boilerplate that simplifies API development. This template leverages Node.js, Express, and Mongoose to provide a solid foundation for your next project.

Quick Start

Getting started with this template is incredibly easy. You can create a new project with just one command:

npx create-starter-template-nodejs <project-name>
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Alternatively, you can use npm:

npm init starter-template-nodejs <project-name>
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For those who prefer manual installation, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone --depth 1
    cd starter-template-nodejs
    npx rimraf ./.git
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set the environment variables:

    cp .env.example .env


This starter template comes packed with features to jumpstart your development process:

  • MongoDB: Use Mongoose for object data modeling.
  • Authentication & Authorization: Implement JWT-based authentication and role-based access control.
  • Request Validation: Utilize Joi for request data validation.
  • Comprehensive Logging: Employ Winston and Morgan for effective logging.
  • API Documentation: With swagger-jsdoc and swagger-ui-express
  • Process Management: Use PM2 for advanced production process management.
  • Environment Configuration: Manage environment variables with dotenv and cross-env.
  • Security Measures: Enhance security with Helmet and sanitize inputs against XSS and query injection.
  • CORS & Compression: Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and gzip compression.
  • Docker Support: Run your application in a Docker container.
  • Git Hooks: Husky and lint-staged.
  • Linting & Formatting: Maintain code quality with ESLint and Prettier.

Running the Application

To run the application locally:

npm run dev
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For production:

npm run start
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This template supports extensive testing with Jest:

  • Run all tests:

    npm test
  • Run tests in watch mode:

    npm test:watch

Using Docker

You can also run the application in a Docker container:

  • For development:

    npm run docker:dev
  • For production:

    npm run docker:prod
  • To run tests in a Docker container:

    npm run docker:test

Linting and Formatting

Ensure your code adheres to best practices:

  • Run ESLint:

    npm run lint
  • Fix ESLint errors:

    npm run lint:fix
  • Run Prettier:

    npm run prettier
  • Fix Prettier errors:

    npm run prettier:fix

Environment Variables

Modify the environment variables in the .env file to fit your setup. Here are some defaults:

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The RESTful API Node Starter Template is a powerful tool for quickly building RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose. With its rich set of features and well-organized project structure, it provides a solid foundation for your next project.

Ready to start building? Check out the GitHub repository and get started today!

Happy coding!

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