DEV Community

Discussion on: React - Redux In Less Then 7 Minutes

meddy672 profile image
Matt Eddy

I was unable to access the discord channel, but I would be happy to knock out a few of those issues you have on your repository. Do we just fork the repository and work the issues as described?

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

Hmmm. Anyone should be able to sign up for a Discord account if you don't have one yet, and then join the Reactiflux discord. We do have a welcome flow where you have to agree to the community guidelines before you can access any other channels, so make sure you tried that.

If there's a particular issue you're interested in working on, leave a comment in that issue thread and we can discuss details.

Thread Thread
meddy672 profile image
Matt Eddy • Edited

I was able to get access to the channel taking a moment to review the welcome content and I have left a comment on the repo. #3591