DEV Community

Discussion on: What activities do you do to take your mind off of software?

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Melissa Martinez

I go for long walks or hikes and practice yoga. Yoga is great because it's hard to think about anything else while you're upside down in a headstand. It's also good for my terrible posture, one of these days I'll learn to sit properly while coding.

I also love snowboarding, although I can only make a few trips a year to the mountains. It's the ultimate distraction from life, and my seasonal treat for myself. I'm almost forced to stay off the internet, there's often terrible or no internet connection, and being distracted by anything else while flying down the slopes isn't an option because I'm usually just focused on not falling off a cliff and not crashing into a tree or another human. So, while I'm in the mountains, I can be totally in the moment and like enjoy some breath taking views.