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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2020 Solution Megathread - Day 12: Rain Risk

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Mike Gasparelli

Warning, lots of code today! I've been making an effort to model my solutions in ways that do not require special branching, or separate solutions for the 2 parts. Today was a fun one, and I think I came up with a good design, even if it's a little verbose!

At this point I think my enterprise development roots are showing. I've got inheritance, interfaces, strategies, factories, and even a DI container in my overall 2020 codebase 🤣


    public class Part1 : Puzzle<IEnumerable<NavInstruction>, int>
        public override int SampleAnswer => 25;

        public override IEnumerable<NavInstruction> ParseInput(string rawInput)
            => rawInput
                .Where(line => line.Length > 0)
                .Select(line =>
                    new NavInstruction(
                        Action: line[0],
                        Value: int.Parse(line[1..])

        public override int Solve(IEnumerable<NavInstruction> input)
            var origin = new Point(0, 0);
            var ferry = new Ferry(origin);
            return ManhattanDistance(origin, ferry.Location);

        protected static int ManhattanDistance(Point a, Point b)
            => Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) + Math.Abs(a.Y - b.Y);
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Part 2

    public class Part2 : Part1
        public override int SampleAnswer => 286;

        public override int Solve(IEnumerable<NavInstruction> input)
            var origin = new Point(0, 0);
            var ferry = new WaypointFerry(origin, new Point(10, 1));
            return ManhattanDistance(origin, ferry.Location);
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public abstract class FerryBase
        public Point Location { get; protected set; }

        public Direction Bearing { get; protected set; }

        protected FerryBase(Point origin)
            Location = origin;
            Bearing = Direction.Right;

        public void Sail(IEnumerable<NavInstruction> instructions)
            foreach (NavInstruction instruction in instructions)

        protected Direction GetDirection(NavInstruction instruction)
            => instruction.Action switch {
                'N' => Direction.Up,
                'S' => Direction.Down,
                'E' => Direction.Right,
                'W' => Direction.Left,
                _ => Bearing

        protected static Point Move(Point p, Direction direction, int value)
            => direction switch {
                Direction.Up => new Point(p.X, p.Y + value),
                Direction.Down => new Point(p.X, p.Y - value),
                Direction.Left => new Point(p.X - value, p.Y),
                Direction.Right => new Point(p.X + value, p.Y),
                _ => p

        protected void Rotate(char turnDirection, int angle)
            for (int i = 0; i < angle / 90; i++)

        protected abstract void Rotate(char turnDirection);

        protected abstract void Move(NavInstruction instruction);
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Ferry (Part1's Implementation)

public class Ferry : FerryBase
        public Ferry(Point origin)
            : base(origin)

        protected override void Rotate(char turnDirection)
            int iBearing = (int)Bearing;
            Bearing = turnDirection switch {
                'L' => (Direction)((iBearing + 3) % 4),
                'R' => (Direction)((iBearing + 1) % 4),
                _ => Bearing

        protected override void Move(NavInstruction instruction)
            if (instruction.Action is 'L' or 'R')
                Rotate(instruction.Action, instruction.Value);

            Move(GetDirection(instruction), instruction.Value);

        void Move(Direction direction, int value)
            => Location = Move(Location, direction, value);
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WaypointFerry (Part2's Implementation)

public class WaypointFerry : FerryBase
        Point Waypoint = new Point(0, 0);

        public WaypointFerry(Point origin, Point waypoint)
            : base(origin)
            Waypoint = waypoint;

        protected override void Move(NavInstruction instruction)
            if (instruction.Action is 'L' or 'R')
                Rotate(instruction.Action, instruction.Value);

            if (instruction.Action is 'F')
                for (int i = 0; i < instruction.Value; i++)
                    Location = new Point(Location.X + Waypoint.X, Location.Y + Waypoint.Y);


            Waypoint = Move(Waypoint, GetDirection(instruction), instruction.Value);

        protected override void Rotate(char turnDirection)
            => Waypoint = turnDirection switch {
                'L' => new Point(-1 * Waypoint.Y, Waypoint.X),
                'R' => new Point(Waypoint.Y, -1 * Waypoint.X),
                _ => throw new Exception($"turnDirection not supported: {turnDirection}")
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