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Discussion on: Git file renaming issues (deleting/adding instead of renaming)

mgh87 profile image
Martin Huter • Edited

Hey have you already found a solution of the problem? I ran to something similar in my past and solved it with reseting the branch before the renaming. Just do the renaming in one commit, and all the changes in the next one.

If you need I could showcase it for you.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

In the initial post, there is a link to the PR. It's already merged now. We did it in two steps if you look at the commit history. I'm still not sure why we couldn't get it to work properly. Any insight would be great as I'd be curious for future PRs.

mgh87 profile image
Martin Huter • Edited

Hey I tinkered a little example:

GitHub only shows the rename properly if you review the specific commit. ( In the feature/rename )

But the important thing in git to follow the history of a file is the log command:
git log --oneline --follow -- new-name.txt

If you clone the repository and try this command out once in feature/rename and feature feature/delete-add you see that in the branch where the rename is lost only the last commit represents the history of the file.

I hope this explanation is detailed enough.

P.s.: You can use rebase -i to split up the commits if it is not in recent history. But keep in mind that this is a rewrite history and you can produce even more complex issue. I recommend to apply such a thing only in feature branches where so one else did build on the changed history.

If anyone is interested how the rebase approach works, I can make something up and document it as a little blog post.

P.s. (2): GitHub uses a heuristic to determine, if a file is just renamed or delted+new. I try to have a single commit to rename the files to keep the history.