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Discussion on: Demo : Twitter streaming and sentiment analysis using Kafka, OCS, MongoDB & OpenShift (Kubernetes)

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Caleb David • Edited

Awesome project @ksingh7! A thoughtful combination of the tools 💪

@andypiper I recently published a Twitter Search API on RapidAPI, it uses v2 of the Twitter API as well (with all the streaming filters). No Twitter developer account needed too.

Hope that helps 😊

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Andy Piper

Interesting, how does that correspond with the Twitter Developer Policy if individuals don’t need developer accounts? Also how does it handle rate and volume limits?

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Caleb David

It's a totally a hobbyist project (which makes it unreliable). So yes, for something serious, using the official version is highly recommended here. Regarding dev policy, I'll say not so well (hence why the solution might not be so great). Each search returns at most ~3,200 result as it scrapes public data. Users are responsible for use of the scraped data.