DEV Community

Discussion on: What's a More "Advanced" Topic You'd Like to See on DEV?

miguelmj profile image

I'd love to see more math and logic. Explanations of advanced algorithms step by step (grammar parsing algorithms, procedural generation of complex structures, competitive AI... all broken down). And not only "import this library, train with this dataset". Programming languages theory or discussions comparing effectively different paradigms, optimization techniques, static analysis of code... Or breaking down personal projects that don't fall in the regular categories of webdev or mobile apps. Idk, I feel like anything different than your daily explanation on what is git, why you should use Linux and React tutorials would be nice. Also, is it me or there's a raising trend of posts that consist on a single question? Like, there is no elaboration, only some easy bait to generate traffic.
Talking about that, and somewhat off topic, it would be nice to have a special category for that kind of posts. Anything less than a minute of reading time should go to a short reading section. It's a bit frustrating to see an interesting title and then find that the title is literally the whole post... I know, the comments are usually interesting, but that doesn't replace quality content.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Or breaking down personal projects that don't fall in the regular categories of webdev or mobile apps.

My personal projects is where I "practice" to learn and think through new approaches. And these personal projects are of nominal value to others (smash together two procedures for generating Sci-Fi TTRPG worlds, a REPL that parses random tables and can record / write to files that are loaded into the REPL app, etc)

miguelmj profile image

Those are interesting, and I know a lot of people post them here too, but they usually revolve around X technology or X framework, instead of the interesting algorithms or data structures used.
The projects you mention sound actually cool, btw!

0x8c profile image

Agreed with the quality of the content. If I could filter out low quality/low value posts I'd definitely do it.

As far as math and theory? I'd like to see more of that too. Perhaps a tag with these topics in mind. A lot of newbies would get lost seeing too much of that, but perhaps there's a way to filter.

miguelmj profile image

Well, there's an option to set experience level both of posts and your own profile, for feed filtering, but in my experience it doesn't work too well, or probably there just isn't much content above certain level, idk. There is also the option for some trusted users to mark a post as low quality... but I'll tell you, after a few posts in a row you stop marking them.
Thanks for your comment!