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Discussion on: Two lines of CSS that boosts 7x rendering performance!

mnathani profile image
Murtaza Nathani

Yeah that's very unfortunate.. but i am optimistic.

However, what I like is it supports chrome mobile devices too, where we have most of the low end devices...

arnebab profile image
Arne Babenhauserheide

Shouldn’t that also be the case for every of the well-supported optimization techniques?

It is tempting to have a two-lines-solve-my-problems tool, but as long as there is no native FF support, it’s just not there. A polyfill won’t do here, because it won’t provide the performance of native, and performance is the very reason why this looks interesting.

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mnathani profile image
Murtaza Nathani

It's really depends on your app and your users.. so if 80% of your app is used by chrome users then it's not a bad solution, considering you do not have resources to do proper optimization using JS.

Moreover, on the web we have a huge ecosystem and I think it's hard for browsers to coupe up with all these optimization...

In my view: it's a good to have feature, maybe FF or safari needs to do so many others required thing's that maybe this could not be there priority

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arnebab profile image
Arne Babenhauserheide • Edited

If you don’t have the resources to do proper optimization (not with JS but by doing what’s fast, also in CSS and by keeping your DOM sane), then that’s a problem by itself. If 80% of your app is used by Chrome users and you enable this feature, then it won’t be long until 100% of your users are Chrome users, because you will break performance for FF and Safari — after all, you still won’t have the resources to do proper optimization if you don’t have it before using this — so those users will leave.

EDIT: You will break performance, because you will have to cram in features without proper optimization until you hit the 400ms limit again with the optimization. Those without the optimization will then have an unusable App.

FF devs plan to prototype this feature, but their concerns were not “something else is more important”, but “this is actively harmful”, so depending on the outcome of the prototype, this might never get cross-browser support, locking you firmly into Chrome if you depend on it to get good load performance.

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mnathani profile image
Murtaza Nathani • Edited

I kinda agree on the optimization point of view...

There's always more than one ways to do it, although might require more effort but why not.. that's how optimization comes in...

However, I highly doubt about being harmful.. it's very harsh term to use..

I will read again the Mozilla specification link to understand..

Thanks for contribution

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arnebab profile image
Arne Babenhauserheide

If the outcome of the prototype in FF is “yes, implementing this version is possible without causing deep other problems”, your solution might allow realizing the huge speedup you saw across different browsers, so please don’t let the wording keep you from experimenting with what might come.

After all, that Mozillians decided to prototype at all means that the changes in specification since this was declared harmful might have solved enough problems.