JavaScript Arrow Function
The arrow function is one of the features introduced in the ES6 version of JavaScript. It helps us to write simple, cleaner, and compact versions of regular JavaScript functions. But it is limited and canβt be used in all situations.
Regular function ES5
function newUser(name) {
return "Hello " + name;
Arrow function ES6
const newUser = name => "Hello " + name;
Arrow Function Syntax
For single argument and expression
const functionName = argument => expression;
For multiple arguments and expressions
const functionName = (arg1, arg2, ...arg3) => {
Multiple parameters require parentheses ()
and Multiline statements require body braces {}
and return
Example 1: Arrow function with no arguments
If the function doesn't take any arguments then we should be putting empty parentheses ()
const newUser = () => console.log("Welcome!");
newUser(); // Welcome!
Example 2: Arrow function with one argument
If the function takes only one argument then we can omit the parentheses ()
const newUser = name => console.log("Hello " + name);
newUser("Dev"); // Hello Dev
Example 3: Arrow function with multiple arguments
If the function takes multiple arguments then we should be putting them inside parentheses ()
const newUser = (name, birthday) => console.log("Hello " + name + ". It's your birthday: " + birthday);
newUser("Dev", 1996); // Hello Dev. It's your birthday: 1996
Example 4: Arrow function with one statement
If the function body has only one statement then we can omit curly braces {}
and return
the keyword.
const newUser = () => console.log("Welcome!");
newUser(); // Welcome!
Example 5: Arrow function with multiple statements
If the function body has multiple statements then we need to put them inside of curly braces {}
const newUser = (name) => {
let greeting = "Hello " + name;
newUser("Dev"); // Hello Dev
with arrow functions
Handling of this
keyword is different in arrow functions compared to regular functions.
With regular function
Inside of regular functions, this
keyword refers to the function where it is called. So this
keyword in a regular function represents the object that calls the function.
function User() { = 'Moz',
this.age = 22,
this.sayAge = function () {
// this is accessible
console.log(this.age); // 22
function innerFunc() {
// this refers to the global object
console.log(this.age); // undefined
console.log(this); // Window {}
let newUser = new User();
Window {}
With arrow function
However, there is no binding of this
with arrow functions. So with arrow functions, this
keyword always refers to the object that defined the arrow function
function User() { = 'Moz',
this.age = 22,
this.sayAge = function () {
console.log(this.age); // 22
let innerFunc = () => {
console.log(this.age); // 22
console.log(this); // User { name: 'Moz', age: 22, sayAge: [Function] }
let newUser = new User();
User { name: 'Moz', age: 22, sayAge: [Function] }
Arguments Binding
Regular functions have arguments
binding which means when you pass arguments to a regular function, you can access them using the arguments
keyword. For example,
function numbers(){
numbers(2, 4, 6); // [Arguments] { '0': 2, '1': 4, '2': 6 }
However, arrow functions do not have their arguments
object. It will throw an error when we try to access it. In short, Arrow functions do not have arguments
binding. For example,
let numbers = () => {
numbers(2, 4, 6);
// ReferenceError: Can't find variable: arguments
In most cases, using spread is a good alternative to using an arguments
let numbers = (...n) => {
numbers(2, 4, 6); // [ 2, 4, 6 ]
Things to avoid with arrow functions
1. You should not use arrow functions to create methods inside objects
let User = {
name : 'Moz',
age : 22,
sayAge : () => {
// 'this' refers to the global
User.sayAge(); // undefined
2. You cannot use the arrow function as a constructor
let User = () => {};
let newUser = new User(); // TypeError: User is not a constructor
3. Arrow functions don't have access to the
4. Arrow functions aren't suitable for the call
, apply
and bind
methods, which generally rely on establishing a scope.
Sometimes the behavior of regular functions is what you want, if not, use arrow functions. Also, Arrow functions were introduced in ES6. Some browsers may not support the use of arrow functions.
Thanks for reading!
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