DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
mogery profile image
Gergő Móricz

There is no such thing as "saving where you want". There is only file-sharing.
Every app's own documents folder would be mounted in the Documents folder in the user's own "home" partition that the file explorer can explore.

Unarchiver apps would also use the Documents folder to extract files to.

fuzzy76 profile image
Håvard Pedersen

So when I download a zipfile of code with the browser, it would be saved to the browser's document folder. Then I send the file to the unarchiver which extracts it to the unarchivers document folder. And then I could send the folder of code to a development IDE for some editing. And then I needed to send it to my graphical GIT client for uploading my changes. And then finally send it to an FTP client when I wanted to upload it anywhere.

And what if I download a third-party terminal?

mogery profile image
Gergő Móricz

Hm? What do you mean?

mogery profile image
Gergő Móricz

You send the terminal files.