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Django MongoDB Backend Quickstart

This article is written by Anaiya Raisinghani (Developer Advocate @ MongoDB) and Nora Reidy (Technical Writer @ MongoDB)

Interested in diving into our Django MongoDB Backend integration? Follow along with this quickstart to create a Django application, connect that application to a MongoDB deployment, ensure your deployment is hosted on MongoDB Atlas, and interact with the data stored in your database using simple CRUD operations.

What is Django?

Let’s first go over what Django is. Django is a high speed model view controller framework for building web applications. There are a ton of key benefits of utilizing Django in projects, such as rapid development, a variety of services to choose from, great security, and impressive scalability. Django prides itself on being the best framework for producing flawless work efficiently. As we’ll see throughout this quickstart, it’s incredibly simple to get up and running with our Django MongoDB Backend integration.


To be successful with this quickstart, you’ll need a handful of resources:

  • An IDE. This tutorial uses Visual Studio Code.
  • Python 3.10 or later. We recommend using 3.12 in the environment.
  • A MongoDB Atlas cluster.

Create your MongoDB cluster

Please follow the steps to create a MongoDB cluster on our free tier cluster which is free forever. Please make sure that the “Network Settings” are correctly set up for easy connection to the cluster, and that a secure username and password have been chosen. Once the cluster is configured, please make sure the connection string is in a safe place for later use.

Load in the sample data to the cluster, and in the connection string, specify a connection to the sample database we are using, sample_mflix. Do this by adding the name of the database after the hostname, as shown in the code snippet below:

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Now that our cluster is ready, we can create our virtual environment!

Create your virtual environment

Our first step is to create our Python virtual environment. Virtual environments allow us to keep the necessary packages and libraries for a specific project in the correct environment without having to make changes globally that could impact other projects.

To do this, run:

python3.12 -m venv venv
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Then, run:

source venv/bin/activate
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Once the (venv) is next to the directory name in the terminal, the virtual environment is correctly configured. Make sure that the Python version is correct (3.10 and above) by double checking with:

python version
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Once the virtual environment is set up, we can install our Django integration!

Installing Django MongoDB Backend

To install the Django integration, please run the following command from the terminal:

pip install django-mongodb-backend
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If both PyMongo and Django are installed in the environment, please ensure that the PyMongo version is between 4.6 and 5.0, and that the Django version is between 5.0 and 5.1.

When correctly run, this is what we’ll see in our terminal:

Correct versions of PyMongo and Django

Once this step is complete, our integration is correctly downloaded along with the dependencies that include Django and PyMongo required for success.

Create your Django project!

We’re all set up to create our Django project. This django-mongodb-project template is about the same as the default Django project template, with a couple important changes. It includes MongoDB-specific migrations, and the file has been modified to make sure Django uses an ObjectId value for each model’s primary key. It also includes MongoDB-specific app configurations for Django apps that have default_auto_field set. This library allows us to create our own apps so we can set django_mongodb_backend.fields.ObjectIdAutoField.

Run this command to create a new Django project called quickstart:

django-admin startproject quickstart --template
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Once this command is run, it will show up on the left-hand side of the project file:

Quickstart template

Once you can see the quickstart project, it’s time to update our database settings. To do this, go to the file under the quickstart folder and head over to the DATABASES setting. Replace the ”<connection string URI>” with the specific cluster URI including the name of the sample database:

  "default": django_mongodb_backend.parse_uri("<connection string URI>"),
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Now, we can make sure that we have correctly installed the Django MongoDB Backend and our project is properly set up. Make sure to be in the quickstart folder and run this command:

python runserver
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Once the server is run, you can start it with this link

Click on the link or visit At this page, there will be a “Congratulations!” and a picture of a rocket:

A successful connection

Now that we know our setup has been successful, we can go ahead and create an actual application where we can interact with the sample data we previously downloaded! Let’s dive in.

Creating an application for our “sample_mflix” data

We are first going to create our sample_mflix application. Head into the root directory of your project and run this command to create an application based on our custom template:

python startapp sample_mflix --template
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The django-mongodb-app template makes sure that your file includes the line: “default_auto_field = ‘django_mongodb.fields.ObjectIdAutoField’”. This ensures that instead of using the original Django BigAutoField for IDs, we are using MongoDB’s specific ObjectId feature.

Once you create your project, we are going to create models for our movie, viewer, and award data.

Create models for our movie, viewer, and award data

To create data models, all we have to do is open up our file inside of our newly created sample_mflix directory and replace the entire file with the following code.

from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings
from django_mongodb_backend.fields import EmbeddedModelField, ArrayField
from django_mongodb_backend.models import EmbeddedModel

class Award(EmbeddedModel):
    wins = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    nominations = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    text = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Movie(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    plot = models.TextField(blank=True)
    runtime = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    released = models.DateTimeField("release date", null=True, blank=True)
    awards = EmbeddedModelField(Award, null=True, blank=True)
    genres = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=100), null=True, blank=True)

    class Meta:
        db_table = "movies"
        managed = False

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

class Viewer(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    email = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    class Meta:
        db_table = "users"
        managed = False

    def __str__(self):

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The Movie model here represents our sample_mflix.movies collection and stores information about various movies! The Viewer model, on the other hand, represents the sample_mflix.users collection and stores important user details for a movie streaming platform. The Award model represents the embedded document values that are stored in the Movie model.

Once this is done and the file is saved, let’s create views to display our data.

Create views to display our data

To display data from the sample_mflix database, we’ll add views to the file. Open it up from your sample_mflix directory and replace the contents with the code below.

Here, we are displaying a landing page message and information about the Movie and Viewer models we configured above:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render

from .models import Movie, Viewer

def index(request):
   return HttpResponse("Hello, world. You're at the application index.")

def recent_movies(request):
   movies = Movie.objects.order_by("-released")[:5]
   return render(request, "recent_movies.html", {"movies": movies})

def viewers_list(request):
   viewers = Viewer.objects.order_by("name")[:10]
   return render(request, "viewers_list.html", {"viewers": viewers})
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Once we have finished this section, we are ready to move on and configure URLs for our views.

Configure URLs for our views

To be successful in this section, we need to create a new file called inside of our sample_mflix directory. This file maps the views we defined in the previous step to dedicated URLs.

Copy the code below into this new file:

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
   path("recent_movies/", views.recent_movies, name="recent_movies"),
   path("viewers_list/", views.viewers_list, name="viewers_list"),
   path("", views.index, name="index")

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Once that has been copied in, we can go ahead to our quickstart/ file and replace the file’s content with the code below:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import include, path

urlpatterns = [

   path("", include("sample_mflix.urls")),
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Once we’ve finished replacing the file’s content, we can create templates to properly format our data.

Create templates to format your data

First, create a templates subdirectory inside of the sample_mflix directory. Once this subdirectory is created, create a recent_movies.html file inside of it. We are going to copy in the following code to format the movie data requested by the recent_movies view:

<!-- templates/recent_movies.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Recent Movies</title>
  <h1>Five Most Recent Movies</h1>
     {% for movie in movies %}
              <strong>{{ movie.title }}</strong> (Released: {{ movie.released }})
     {% empty %}
           <li>No movies found.</li>
     {% endfor %}
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Create another file in this same templates subdirectory and call it viewers_list.html. This template formats the user data that is requested by our viewers_list view. Copy in the following code:

<!-- templates/viewers_list.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Viewers List</title>
  <h1>Alphabetical Viewers List</h1>
           {% for viewer in viewers %}
                 <td>{{ }}</td>
                 <td>{{ }}</td>
           {% empty %}
                 <td colspan="2">No viewer found.</td>
           {% endfor %}
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Now that your templates are in place, we can include our application inside of our project!

Including our application inside of our project

To do this, head over to the file nested in the quickstart directory and edit the INSTALLED_APPS section to look like this:

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Once that has been done, we can create migrations for our new models.

Create migrations for your new models

We want to create migrations for our Movie, Award, and Viewer models and apply all these changes to the database. Head back to the root of your project and run the below commands:

python makemigrations sample_mflix
python migrate
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Once you’ve created migrations for your new models

Once the migrations are created, we have a basic Django MongoDB backend application! We can use this simple application to interact with our sample_mflix database. This means running basic CRUD operations on the data.

So, let’s go over how to do that.

Write data

We are going to be working with a Python shell, so head back into the project’s root directory and bring up the shell with this command:

python shell
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Once you’re in your shell, we can import the necessary classes and modules for creating a datetime object. Do this by running the code below:

from sample_mflix.models import Movie, Award, Viewer
from django.utils import timezone
from datetime import datetime
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Now, we’re ready to insert a movie into our database! We can do this by running the code below to create a Movie object that stores data about a movie named “Minari”, including its awards:

movie_awards = Award(wins=122, nominations=245, text="Won 1 Oscar")
movie = Movie.objects.create(
   plot="A Korean-American family moves to an Arkansas farm in search of their own American Dream",
   released=timezone.make_aware(datetime(2020, 1, 26)),
   genres=["Drama", "Comedy"]
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This Movie object actually stores incorrect data about the movie: the runtime value is listed as 217, but the correct value is 117.

Let’s fix this by running the code below:

movie.runtime = 117
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Now, let’s insert a viewer into our database as well. We can do this by creating a Viewer object that stores data about a viewer named “Abigail Carter”. Run the following code to do so:

viewer = Viewer.objects.create(
   name="Abigail Carter",

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Let’s delete a Viewer object. A movie viewer by the name of “Alliser Thorne” is no longer a member of the movie streaming service. To remove this viewer, run the code below:

old_viewer = Viewer.objects.filter(name="Alliser Thorne").first()
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Once that’s done, exit your shell using this command:

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Ensure we are in the quickstart directory, and start the server using this command:

python runserver
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Great! We can now go and make sure our Movies model was correctly inserted into the database. Do this by accessing the link:

This is what you’ll see, with our latest movie right on top:

List of movies

Let’s check our Viewer model, as well. Visit the link:

There will be a list of 10 viewer names in our database. “Abigail Carter” will be at the top and the viewer “Alliser Thorne” will have been deleted:

List of our users

Once these steps have been completed, documents in the sample_mflix sample database will have been inserted and edited.

Now, we can query the data inside of our database.

Reading back our data

Open up your Python shell again, and please make sure that you have imported the necessary modules from when you first created the Python shell back under the step, “Write Data.”

from sample_mflix.models import Movie, Award, Viewer
from django.utils import timezone
from datetime import datetime
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Once your shell is ready to go, we can query our users collection for a specific email.

We want to query our sample_mflix.users collection for a user with the email ””. Do this by running the following:

from sample_mflix.models import Movie, Viewer

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This will return the name of our user:

<Viewer: Khal Drogo>
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Now, let’s query our movies collection for runtime values.
In the same shell, run the following code to find movies that have a runtime value that is less than 10:

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This will return a list of matching movies, as seen in the screenshot below:

Querying data

Once this step is finished, feel free to run queries on any data stored inside the MongoDB cluster!

Let’s create an admin site

It’s possible to create a Django admin site so that users can edit their data straight from a web interface.
Let’s first create an admin user. From the root directory run the following code:

python createsuperuser
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The terminal will ask for a username, email address, and password. Enter the following information below to create a user with specified credentials:

Username: admin
Email address:
Password: <admin-password>
Password (again): <admin-password>
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To enter the admin site, run the following code:

python runserver
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Access the site by visiting A login screen will appear:

Admin site

Enter the name and password that was created previously to log on.

Admin site inside

Here, the following information is presented and users can edit their project authentication configuration through selection of the Groups or Users rows in the Authentication and Authorization table.

Let’s edit the data in our users sample collection. Remember that this is represented by the Viewer model, which is not associated with the Users row as shown in the admin panel.

Head to the sample_mflix/ file and paste in the code below:

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Viewer
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Refresh the Django administration site and it will be updated:

Django admin site updated

Now, we are able to select a viewer object. Do this by clicking on the Viewers row of the SAMPLE_MFLIX table to see the list of viewers, as seen below:

Viewers seen on Django admin site

At the top of the list, click on Abigail Carter. From here, we will be able to see the Name and Email.

Abigail Carter information through the  raw `Viewers` endraw  model

Here, we are able to edit the information, if chosen. Users are able to edit any field and hit the SAVE button to save any changes.

Great job, you have just completed the Django MongoDB Backend Quickstart! In this quickstart, you:

  • Created a Django application.
  • Connected your Django application to a MongoDB deployment.
  • Ensured your deployment is hosted on MongoDB Atlas.
  • Interacted with the data that is stored inside of your cluster.
  • Created a Django admin page.

To learn more about Django MongoDB Backend, please visit the docs and our repository on GitHub. If you have any questions, please feel free to connect with us in our MongoDB Developer Forum.

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Top comments (12)

jod35 profile image
Ssali Jonathan


anaiyaraisin profile image

Thank you @jod35! I'm happy you enjoyed this tutorial.

jwoehr profile image
Jack Woehr

Worthwhile 5 stars.
Worked all the way through this Quickstart.
Good introduction to Django for a Flask/Bottle/Uvicorn/Gunicorn user like myself.
MongoDB ... "just works" !!!

anaiyaraisin profile image

Thank you for this kind comment @jwoehr! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed working through this quickstart and it was beneficial.

rehanahmedch profile image
rehanahmedch • Edited

👍 Crisp & to the point

anaiyaraisin profile image

Thank you for your feedback @rehanahmedch! :)

chrisachinga profile image
Chris Achinga

does one need to start from the template

anaiyaraisin profile image

Thanks for your question @chrisachinga!

We recommend doing so to ensure certain necessities are incorporated, such as MongoDB-specific migrations and having the file already modified for you so Django is using an ObjectId value.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help.

chrisachinga profile image
Chris Achinga

Thanks for the response,

I was tried to add the mongodb to a django site on production and was running into some issues when migrating the models, i thought of trying to do some performance metrics on queries comparing mongodb and postgress.

maybe in the official release we will have such an option, that would be great. i would prefer to integrate mongo on some ongoing projects rather than starting from scratch with the template.

this is amazing to be honest @anaiyaraisin

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anaiyaraisin profile image

Thanks for your reply @chrisachinga,

So we don't recommend using our library in production until our GA.
For any issues please open a GitHub issue or Jira ticket!

We appreciate your feedback so much. :)

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anaiyaraisin profile image

Hi @chrisachinga, just a heads up, I have forwarded your feedback to my team and someone will be in touch to chat with you. :)

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chrisachinga profile image
Chris Achinga

great, looking forward to the chat

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Docusign is now extensible. Overcome challenges with disconnected products and inaccessible data by bringing your solutions into Docusign and publishing to 1.6M customers in the App Center.

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