DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you come up with your online biographies?

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Ben Sinclair

I find it terribly embarrassing to write the truth about myself in any way that isn't self-deprecating, so I don't. I go for silly, instead, because I reckon people will see that as confidence and without-a-care-ness. Or something.

On LinkedIn my entire profile is stupid. My endorsements are all D&D stats (hey, I have an Intelligence stat of 14 so I can probably hold a conversation at least)

On Quora I put in a different bio for each answer category. They're almost all irreverent and irrelevant.

I don't do Facebook, but I have an account there. I'm proud of my profile picture, but that's about it - and it's not my face (or any part of me).

My personal site doesn't have any links to any of its pages (it's all a secret, right) but the index page and 404 page have my beautiful face on them, so there's that. No text. Nothing to give the game away.

Twitter/Mastodon is about the most honest you'll see me. Everywhere else there's a wall between personal information and what I want to share with the world... so I go quirky. I wouldn't say it's a personal brand, more the absence of one, though.