DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

You get rid of them.

If somebody consistently fails to keep up with team standards on quality, style, and approach, they aren't a fit for the team. If attempts to address the situation have failed, then you've reached the end with that team member.

Keeping on bad members ends up damaging the project and morale of the rest of the team.

As an aside, I'd be leery of concerns over "style" though. Some people get overzealous here. The key part of being a good team member is following process (like git branching strategy and reviews), then testing requirements (manual, automated). In style I value consistency, and that's addressable in review, but being a style nazi can be detrimental.

realshadow profile image
Lukáš Homza

I am not a style nazi (at least not anymore), my time in open source helped to see and adapt to various styles. So when I came here, I did not enforce my style on them, but rather adapted the style from the way others wrote code - to get as close to possible to their style. I think this is more beneficial than enforcing concrete standards.

But believe me, sometimes I would rather scratch my eyes out than look at some of the atrocities I have seen in my career - e.g. one of my favorites - 20k lines long controller method that is one giant loop with nested loops

alephnaught2tog profile image
Max Cerrina

20k line METHOD? I mean for most anything that would be a ton but holy shit.