Python 3 examples for all of the things I listed in my previous article.

Essential code for lists and vectors in an interview
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y ・ Mar 1 '19
There are variations on much of this syntax, but so long as you know one way, you'll be fine. I tried to find the Pythonic way in most cases. You can use this as a cheat sheet.
# Create a list
mylist = []
# Add an element to the front or back
mylist.append( "abc" )
mylist.insert( 0, "def" )
# Pop element off front or back
end = mylist.pop()
start = mylist.pop( 0 )
# Forward iterate over elements
for item in mylist:
print( item )
# Get the length of list
len( mylist )
# Test if empty
if not mylist:
print( "list is empty" )
Location Based Operations
# Get item at location
# Insert an item at location
mylist.insert( 3, "abc" )
# Remove an item from location
del mylist[2]
# Replace/Assign item at location
mylist[1] = "def"
Sorting and searching
# Find an item
if item in mylist:
index = mylist.index(item)
# Using `index` and error handling
index = mylist.index( 'abc' )
except ValueError:
index = None
# Using `next` and filtering
next((x for x in mylist if x == 'ghif'), None)
# Find and remove an item
if item in mylist:
mylist.remove( item )
# with error handling
mylist.remove( item )
except ValueError:
# Find last matching item
# Index of found item, or None
next( (index for index in reversed( range( len( mylist ) ) ) if mylist[index] == item), None)
# Alternately, reverse list and use "Find an item", but that copies the list
revlist = mylist[::-1]
if item in revlist:
index = revlist.index( item )
# Sort by natural order
# in-place sort
# Sort with custom comparator
mylist = [ ('a', 10), ('b', 7), ('c',13), ('d',1) ]
# sort by a key (sub-element
mylist.sort( key = lambda item: item[1] )
# custom comparator
def compare_fn( a, b ):
return some_cond( a, b )
mylist.sort( key = functools.cmp_to_key( compare_fn ) )
Segment Manipulation
# Split the list at arbitrary location
tail_of_list = mylist[2:]
head_of_list = mylist[:2]
# Multiple splits based on a match
mylist = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'e']
[list(y) for x, y in itertools.groupby( mylist, lambda z: z == 'b') if not x]
# Clear the list
# Remove segment
# delete from position 1 up to, but excluding position 3
del mylist[1:3]
# Concatenate lists
mylist + other_list
# Insert list at location
# list slicing replaces the segment of list with another one, here we replace a zero-length slice
mylist[1:1] = other_list
# Get a sublist
# sublist starting at position 1 up to, but excluding, position 3
More Iteration
# Backward
for item in reversed( mylist ):
print( item )
# Partial segment iteration
# using itertools.islice avoids copying the list (which is what would happen if you used a slice)
for item in itertools.islice( mylist, 1, 4 ):
print( item )
# Skipping elements
# step from element 1 to 6 (exclusive) by 2
for item in itertools.islice( mylist, 1, 6, 2 ):
print( item )
# Create from a static list of items
mylist = [ 'abc', 'def', 'ghi']
# Create a range of numbers
# a list of numbers from 10..20 (exclusive)
numbers = list( range( 10, 20 ) )
Data Manipulation
# Mapping
[number * 10 for number in numbers]
# Filtering
[number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0]
# Fold / Reduce
# Summing up numbers using builtin add
functools.reduce( operator.add, numbers )
# Joining string representations of items
functools.reduce( lambda left,right: str( left ) + '/' + str( right ), mylist )
# Zip
# the zip function produces a list of tuples
zip( lista, listb )
# to alternate items into one list use reduce
functools.reduce( operator.add, zip( lista, listb ) )
# Swap elements at two locations
mylist[3], mylist[5] = mylist[5], mylist[3]
# Reserve capacity
# Python lists do not expose capacity
# Replace content in a list
mylist[:] = other_list
# Compare two lists
lista == listb
# Search a sorted list
# bisect_left/bisect_right work with sorted lists,
# find an item ndx using bisect_left, finds the left-most item
ndx = bisect_left( numbers, 4 )
if ndx != len(numbers) and numbers[ndx] == 4
print( "Found at {}".format(ndx) )
# Iterators
# Manually stepping through an iterator
myiter = iter( mylist )
while True:
n = next( myiter )
except StopIteration:
# Multiple iterators at the same time
itera = iter( lista )
iterb = iter( listb )
while True:
a = next( itera )
b = next( iterb )
print( a, b )
except StopIteration:
Do you want to learn more ways to become a great programmer? Read my book What is Programming?. I look at the People, the reason software exists, the code at the heart of that software, and you, the person behind the keyboard.
Top comments (3)
I use enumerate a lot so:
Why do you have inconsistent formatting? Is there some rule that I cannot figure out or simply an oversight?
Hopefully I have them all fixed now. I was copy-and-pasting back-and-forth to the interactive editor, thus messed up the style sometimes.