DEV Community

Discussion on: Portfolio Advice Thread

mrjaketomlinson profile image
Jacob Tomlinson

Thanks for doing this Ali! Just recently started following you and doing the code challenges you post. Great way to start my morning! As a newer dev, I'd love any feedback you or anyone else has! Thanks in advance. :)

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Hey! For sure. It looks very professional and clean. I had some performance issues where it was taking a while to load the first time. I'm not sure if that was my network or not, but I would run a lighthouse test on it and see if you can optimize for performance there! It looks really clean and professional. I may up the contrast on the navbar to make it a little easier to read! I wouldn't justify the about text, it can make it a little harder to read. The cards are great, they show off the projects and get you to look at them. I think the skills section is great too. I may add a little spacing to the contact section and add another resume link on the page, think it gets a little lost. Great portfolio!

mrjaketomlinson profile image
Jacob Tomlinson

I think the performance issue might be a result of me hosting the site on Heroku. The free version stops the server after 30 minutes of inactivity and the server has to spool back up when someone requests the URL. Do you have a preferred host?

Thanks for taking the time to look it over!

Thread Thread
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Oh! Okay yep, that would do it. I use Netlify or GH pages for static sites.