DEV Community

Mohammed Samgan Khan
Mohammed Samgan Khan

Posted on

How to Add AppImage Application to Menu in Ubuntu (Linux)

AppImages are the most easiest to run compared. All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned below.

Step to use AppImage

  1. Download the AppImage
  2. Make the AppImage executable. (sudo chmod +x *.AppImage)
  3. Run the file (./*.AppImage)

The challenging task is to make the AppImage accessible globally through he system like an installed application (in the menu)

you can achieve this by the going through the following steps.

Steps to add AppImage to Menu

  1. Move he AppImage to an accessible directory (I personally use .appImage in my home directory but you are free to be creative)
  2. Create a appName.desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications
  3. Add the following content to the .desktop file you create
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Application Description
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

and we are done.

Now you AppImage is available for you user in menu.

Bonus tip

If you want this AppImage to be accessible to to all the user of the system, place the .desktop file in

Feel free to comment any suggestion in comments section.

Top comments (3)

dilutewater profile image
Rachit Khurana

Easier option for beginners: Use Appimage launcher

rauldipeas profile image
Raul Dipeas

Very much easy indeed.

msamgan profile image
Mohammed Samgan Khan

Thanks for the update mate, for sure this is an alternative but it ain't for beginners.
Anyhow thanks for the introduction.