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how to learn codding - for beginner

Codding is one of the best skills to learn in 2022. you can also make good money by learning it.
First, start by learning a programing language, the best one to get started is python. You may ask why python? Because it's very easy to understand and you can understand the basics of programming very easily with python.
You can buy a course on Udemy, buy a book or you can watch tutorials on YouTube but the important thing is that you have to do it by yourself and practice it to understand how to write code.
At this stage don't try to make some big project while learning python(or any other language) you should have this understanding goal in your mind.
You should know what are variables, data types, functions, if-else statements, and loops
You should try to understand what is going on behind the scenes. Why so and so is output when something is changed code.
Don't hesitate to make errors and try everything which is popping up in your mind.

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