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Custom Commands in Django

Hello there! We are going to learn how to write simple custom Django commands. I will break down this lesson into 3 sections;

  • Introduction
  • Setting up the commands
  • Calling the commands


  • Create a generic Django project called resource_center.
  • Make migrations and migrate your database.
  • Create a Django app called books. Register this app in
  • In your book/ create a model Book as shown below;
# books/

from django import models

class Book(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    author = models.CharField(max_length=20)

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  • Make migrations and migrate your database.

Setting Up Commands

Django convention dictates that custom commands have to live inside the project/app/management/commands directory of your project. In this case, this will be resource_center/management/commands.
Navigate to your books folder and create a folder named management. Create a subfolder called commands.
Create a file inside the commands folder and name it
Add the following code;

# resource_center/books/management/commands/
from import BaseCommand
from resource_center.books.models import Book

class Command(BaseCommand):
    help = "Create initial data for the project"

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
        # Positional arguments
        parser.add_argument("count", help="Any number", type=int)

        # Named (optional) arguments
            help="Delete books instead of creating them",

    def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
        count = kwargs.get("count")
        print(f"The current count is {count}")
        if kwargs["delete"]:
                name="The Lord of the Rings",
                author="J.R.R. Tolkien"
                name="The Hobbit",
                author="J.R.R. Tolkien"

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Our class Command inherits from Django's BaseCommand.
The class variable help describes what the custom command aims to achieve, more like the help_text in your model fields.

The method add_arguments is used to instruct the command to expect arguments which may be optional.

The method handle handles (pun intended 😅) your logic.

Calling the commands

To call your commands, call them in the following format;
python <custom_command_file_name>. Do not include the file's .py extension.
In this case, our command will be called as

python books_creator <count>

The count is any number of your choice. This is a positional argument that we can not ignore. If ignored, it will raise the following error; books_creator: error: the following arguments are required: count.

The command with our count positional argument will be as follows;
python books_creator 16

If you add the optional named arguments, you get a command like this;
python books_creator 16 --delete=true

That's it!

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