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First program/CCademy/CS101 is a program that I wrote (my first program ever written) that takes user input and returns recipes (ingredient lists) with any allergies the user may have factored into the returned recipes.
I wanted to create a program that I could use daily that could automatically factor allergies or foods I'm wanting to avoid using into recipes that would be possible for me to make or eat.
The program uses if/elif/else conditions to run code that combs through a list comp of recipes and their corresponding ingredients.

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In honest conclusion, this program took me longer to write than I had thought it would. I found myself getting discouraged from the project and struggled to motivate myself to keep plugging at it. But I still always came back to my desire to write, learn and build something that perfect or not, I can be proud of. And this project allowed me a space to accomplish that and grow my desire to keep learning.

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