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Musab Ahmed Khan Umair
Musab Ahmed Khan Umair

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Microservices Architecture

In this blog, we'll learn about microservices architecture. It is a software development methodology where a product is composed of various independent services, each managing its own specific functionality.

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It differs from the traditional monolithic architecture. In a MA, all business functionalities are written within a single codebase. On the other hand, microservices break down a product into various independent services, where each component handles its specific functionalities

Now we will cover the main concepts behind microservices.

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  • Firstly, it has individual components which operate independently. They can be developed and deployed individually

  • Secondly these services are robust and handle failure very well. If one service fails, it can temporarily interrupt requests to that service without bringing down the entire system.

  • Thirdly, with a simple routing process, it ensures seamless communication and interaction between individual components

  • Also, it has decentralized operations, where each services functions independently

  • Lastly, due to its valuable features this type of architecture is widely adopted in modern businesses

*Finally, we will go through pros and cons of microservices

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*Pros: *

  • Scalability: Microservices allow each service to be scaled independently based on demand. Using this we can optimize resource usage and improve overall system scalability.
  • Flexibility in Technology: Different services within a microservices architecture can use different technologies, and frameworks. This allows teams to choose the best tools for each specific service.
  • Maintainability: With individual services codebases are easier to understand, develop, and maintain.
  • Organizational Alignment: Moreover, this aligns well with agile and DevOps practices. It fosters autonomy and rapid iteration.


  • Complexity: With increasing number of services it introduces operational complexity.
  • Testing Complexity: Each service in this model requires thorough testing individually and integration testing across services.
  • Costs: Finally, this architecture leads to an increased infrastructure and operational costs.

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