DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria


Bugs will make you even stressed out.

shagshag profile image
Georges Cubas

I like bugs as I like challenges. I enjoy investigating why what should work isn't. It's an investigation and the feeling of victory when, after a long time of struggle, the code compiles without error is exhilarating.

But if there is a deadline, all the fun part of the bug disappears to give way to stress.

For me, it's not the bugs that are stressful but the deadlines.

valeriavg profile image

I agree here. It's not the bugs that are stressful, but the time limit to fix them. There is no way to completely avoid bugs during development and unfortunately there is not always enough time to properly test and fix.

Still I have an impression that none of it could be a "traumatic experience" on it's own. Yet being responsible for a big service outage or a failed project could, couldn't it?

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria

Yea, it's pretty much not the bugs, but the time. Even if you are working on a personal project and haven't set a deadline yet, you will still be stressed if for example your project haven't progressed much for an arbitrary amount of time.