DEV Community

Week of March 17 2019

natalie stroud on March 23, 2019

I just want to let you all know I just found my dashboard on here and 201 of you are following me? Wow! Why? (haha) I can't believe that. 201 peo...
misnina profile image
Nina • Edited

I bought a bag of Reese's cups and a bag of Baked Lays and chowed down, finishing up with work.


I started 100DaysOfCode as well this Monday, and also as well couldn't get to doing it all. I emailed two recruiters my friend recommended me but neither of them replied all week, and I haven't gotten a response from my internship past the interview. I'm rather new to the whole idea of recruiters, is there anything specifically you know about them that would be handy to a newbie?

nataliecodes profile image
natalie stroud

I wish I did know so I could help. If I'm being honest, I had one that was blowing up my phone 3-4 times a day and I blocked them. But when they first called about a job they jumped right into the assumption that I wanted the job and then told me it was for L1 Service Desk. I've done a job similar to that before and would rather stay where I'm at. I told this person that and they ignored what I said and tried to start up the whole "she accepted" process. Later in the week the company called me and I said "hey thanks for calling but I'm more so interested in a developer type of position, sorry". Probably wasn't something I should've done but...

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

Very smart that you're thinking about personal projects so early; I did not do that thing and it cost me a lot of quick growth early on.

nataliecodes profile image
natalie stroud

Thank you! Where do you find inspiration for creating projects? I find that tends to be my biggest roadblock.

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

That inital creative spark is often one of the hardest parts! You'll get the best results from thinking about your everyday life, and what the biggest pain points are, and how you would fix that. I would recommend checking out
this episode of where they discuss side-projects and how to approach them.