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Flatiron | In the Deep End

Hooray, I did it! This is my last project with Flatiron. For the last several months my life has been consumed in code, tearing into projects. Now is the time to apply all my newly acquired skills and complete the course and begin my career as a software engineer.

Learning the coursework was like drinking water from a firehouse. It all comes at once and at times can be a lot to handle. After careful review, confusing subjects became clarified and gave me a newfound appreciation of the work that has gone into programming.

Before Flatiron I had no programming experience. Now I know how to create full stack applications. It’s amazing what can happen in only a few short months.

I realize with this final project just how far I’ve come from day one. Learning to program has in many ways been like learning to swim. On day one I could barely float. I couldn’t imagine creating a website frontend. Now, I’m making application with both a frontend and backend

While this article signals the end of my time as a Flatiron student. The field of programming is vast and I have only scratched the surface of what there is to know. There will be obstacles along the way, but Flatiron has taught me how to overcome them. So when rough times head my way, I will be able to keep my chin up and take it on, like a true programmer.

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