DEV Community

Discussion on: What is the first thing you do when setting up a new computer?

necmettin profile image
Necmettin Begiter • Edited

I wrote an install-on-setup script that installs homebrew, ohmyzsh, ~40 apps, fonts, and my own keyboard layout (that I created for coding in PHP). Also symlinks all my settings back to their latest, puts my SSH keys backs, and sets my Apache vhosts.

Also, two hidden gems for Mac users: Apptivate (lets to assign any key combo to any app, folder, or file) and Shuttle (lets you create a menu for scripts you run often).

robbyrussell profile image
Robby Russell 🐘🚂

are you using a Brewfile?

necmettin profile image
Necmettin Begiter

No, simple brew install and brew cask install commands.