When you get a new computer, what are the first things you do? Whether it's:
- Installing programs
- Adding shortcuts
- Disabling certain options
- Setting up new preferences
- Etc.
I'm eager to hear what you'd consider the must-do "first steps" for a new machine.
Top comments (65)
I install the following in each new installation or computer.
.NET Core
SQLite Browser
Discord App
Liferea (RSS Reader)
Vokoscreen NG (For Screen Recorder)
Flameshot (For Screenshots)
I have to uninstall Spotify, use Spotify web instead, it takes nearly 30GB space even I disabled offline
There is no web thing works well in my Ubuntu. I don't know why. But every 10 minutes, I can't open websites on Ubuntu. For example, I tried to visit instagram.com, it wasn't open the first time. I refreshed the page it was open.
So, browser things aren't for me. :P
I go through all the steps to make sure the typical dev environment/tools I use are installed and work.
And then, maybe a weird thing, but I choose which browser I want to use and set up and save all of the typical accounts I use like my email, Notion, Github, CodePen, CodeSandox, etc.
I also create collections and add my most commonly used websites to Toby. Like this:

Install Alfred.
Get rid of the doc and remove the low-hanging UI (while leaving the settings as stock as possible otherwise)
Set the right-click and two-finger tap to control+click
Download Google drive (back-up and sync)
Set Drive to only sync current projects (all files but git in drive)
Get Brew in place + Curl
download GitTower (git)... Sublime (editor)... Skitch (for markup up screenshots)... Affinity designer (to avoid adobe at first)...
In theory - we can toss our gear in a lake... stop by an apple store - and get back to work in under an hour (that's the goal).
We just bought a new computer - and are documenting the entire process from the perspective of students in our course. We don't install anything - until it's necessary for the class / so, the student sees us also start with a blank slate. We'll share the list in 3 months!
You can also totally write a bash script - that will install everything - in one go!
Alfred was one of my first installs today.
Search DEV for ideas and help 😄
My Mac Setup
Nick Taylor (he/him) ・ Jan 12 '18 ・ 9 min read
Setup your Mac for development, 2020 edition.
Frankie Valentine ・ Jan 1 ・ 15 min read
My New Mac Setup
shawn swyx wang 🇸🇬 ・ Oct 31 '18 ・ 4 min read
For macOS, I love strap: strap.githubapp.com/
When I had a new mac on the way, I realized that configuring an automated setup with strap would take as long as a manual setup, so it was a no-brainer.
Here's my strap setup scripts:
For Windows, I use ninite: ninite.com/
For Linux, it depends, but here's my EC2 setup script: github.com/valbaca/dotfiles/blob/m... I'm getting a new mini computer for linux, I'm thinking of putting Alpine, Arch, or Ubuntu on it, so I'll probably have a script for that soon.
Then, mapping Caps Lock to be Escape :)
I was hoping someone would mention this in a sea of manual set-ups. I rolled by own and wasn’t familiar with strap. Thanks for sharing. There also MAS for installing non-HB and non-casks applications from the App Store.
Number one: take screenshot of the applications folder on my old machine
blocking access except from install IP6.nftables
rules and installs themrkhunter
and other IDS tools.After:
and other security logsThanks for sharing, logcheck was new to me :)
I spot a fellow arch user and upvote 💪🏾
This specific workflow is for Manjaro, which is currently my main dev distro (that's why there are no steps to install python, zsh or git). I usually go with Arch when I need something minimal to build with a bottom-up approach (no DEs, etc). But even with Manjaro, I'm still in the Arch family 😛.
I keep a configuration file of applications I use on every computer and use a package manager to install them automatically every time. For windows this package manager is called Chocolatey, its really useful to make a setup from the ground up for any development environment based on the tools you need:
I recently set up Windows on a new laptop and tried to install as much as I could via Chocolatey, so I guess install Chocolatey is now the first thing I do :).
This is my choco install list currently: