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XinYu Zhou
XinYu Zhou

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9. How to draw a dual-axis chart


How to draw a dual-axis chart


What methods can be used to draw a chart with two axes like this?


In VChart, you can add a right axis and bind the corresponding series to achieve this. Refer to the demo:。

Code Example

const spec = {  type: 'common',  seriesField: 'color',  data: [    {      id: 'id0',      values: [        { x: '周一', type: '早餐', y: 15 },        { x: '周一', type: '午餐', y: 25 },        { x: '周二', type: '早餐', y: 12 },        { x: '周二', type: '午餐', y: 30 },        { x: '周三', type: '早餐', y: 15 },        { x: '周三', type: '午餐', y: 24 },        { x: '周四', type: '早餐', y: 10 },        { x: '周四', type: '午餐', y: 25 },        { x: '周五', type: '早餐', y: 13 },        { x: '周五', type: '午餐', y: 20 },        { x: '周六', type: '早餐', y: 10 },        { x: '周六', type: '午餐', y: 22 },        { x: '周日', type: '早餐', y: 12 },        { x: '周日', type: '午餐', y: 19 }      ]    },    {      id: 'id1',      values: [        { x: '周一', type: '饮料', y: 22 },        { x: '周二', type: '饮料', y: 43 },        { x: '周三', type: '饮料', y: 33 },        { x: '周四', type: '饮料', y: 22 },        { x: '周五', type: '饮料', y: 10 },        { x: '周六', type: '饮料', y: 30 },        { x: '周日', type: '饮料', y: 50 }      ]    }  ],  series: [    {      type: 'bar',      id: 'bar',      dataIndex: 0,      label: { visible: true },      seriesField: 'type',      dataIndex: 0,      xField: ['x', 'type'],      yField: 'y'    },    {      type: 'line',      id: 'line',      dataIndex: 1,      label: { visible: true },      seriesField: 'type',      xField: 'x',      yField: 'y',      stack: false    }  ],  axes: [    { orient: 'left', seriesIndex: [0] },    { orient: 'right', seriesId: ['line'], grid: { visible: false } },    { orient: 'bottom', label: { visible: true }, type: 'band' }  ],  legends: {    visible: true,    orient: 'bottom'  }};const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });vchart.renderSync();// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!window['vchart'] = vchart;
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