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Cover image for Lambda Extensions are Changing what it Means to be Serverless
Nočnica Mellifera for New Relic

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Lambda Extensions are Changing what it Means to be Serverless

cover image by By Brocken Inaglory
There's kind of a problem with serverless, or at least there used to be.

Serverless is... ephemeral. Little stateless execution environments popping up and disappearing almost as fast, paying only for the time you actually use and costing you nothing the rest of the time.

And while that's incredibly nice for billing it makes observing serverless functions pretty difficult.

Recently AWS Announced the Extensions API, which allowed a process to run alongside your Lambdas without shutting down when they do. Then today they added support for sending logs from extensions.

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This means observability services can help you watch your Lambdas directly without relying on CloudWatch, log scraping, or other tricks.

It's a major, major change and at New Relic we were lucky enough to have support for Logs from Extensions right at launch day. Read all about it on the New Relic blog.

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