DEV Community

Discussion on: Describe the worst job interview you've ever taken part in

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

The entire company interviewed me. It was a startup years ago, but still, nine people interviewing you at the same time asking you questions non-stop at a roundtable was rough.

Two Power Rangers putting there hands on their heads as if to say "No!"

rbkolm profile image
Richard B Kolm

The "entire company" interview should be classified as a form of abuse or torture. I also had one of those. Big conference table with 8 to 10 people at a time, people coming and going, me on the long side in the middle getting whiplash trying to see who was talking and how the senior people were reacting to answers. After a while everybody was grinning a bit, and it was funny but I felt like a zoo animal. No feedback, no followup, classic ghosting. Over 3 people at one time is a waste unless its a presentation or something.

jfbiswajit profile image
Biswajit Biswas

Similar happened to me