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Discussion on: Why the JS ecosystem is awesome !

nielsbom profile image
Niels Bom

I disagree with a lot you're saying.

JavaScript, language we used to say was for people who couldn't figure out programming has turned into a huge complicated mess that tries to do everything and its getting harder to the point where it rivals C++ in difficulty if it hasn't already surpassed it.

OK, where do I begin?

JavaScript is a language with a lot of good features. It also has some ugly warts, definitely, and most JavaScript devs really know that this is the case. The reason why JS wasn't taken seriously is not because of the language. This had more to do with browsers not running JS fast enough, computers were slower and a couple more reasons.

JavaScript, the language, has not gotten that much new features in the last few years. The features that were added are actually quite good and very useful.

As far as an example of an easier way of doing things here is some c# code that I found in a quick google search on how to create an png file in unity and export it.
no need to find and install a bunch of packages

So your counter example uses Unity which is a video game engine. That's sort of like saying "welding a bicycle yourself is more work than buying a car". Well duh.

Here is a python example using the Pycairo library...

Ah and now we come to your Python example, yum. Don't misunderstand me, I like big parts of Python.

Now please show us how, with very little work, you can make this Python script into a CLI, a package and a deployed web app.

(hint: this is quite a bit of work actually)

because learning php for example is not hard at all infact it is super easy and most anyone can pick up the majority of it in an afternoon

OK, and by now I get the feeling you're trolling. I can't take you seriously anymore.

Well played.

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gmartigny profile image
Guillaume Martigny

All languages have a reason to exists. Monopoly has never been any good anywhere. We couldn't have Javascript without the syntaxe breakthrough of Java, without the C++ V8 engine, without the Erlang CouchDB Database of NPM ...

JS maybe's not perfect, but for newcomers I'll recommend it without hesitation (I know, I'm biased).

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mjesuele profile image
Matt Jesuele

The complaint is that JS requires libraries and configuration and your counter-example is in a compiled language that requires an SDK and uses Unity? Wow.