DEV Community

Discussion on: Learning Go by examples: part 6 - Create a gRPC app in Go

nikola_mandivic profile image
Nikola Mandivic

One of those developers that explain things unnecessarily complicated. I spent a little over an hour here and learned nothing. Maybe this tutorial is meant for a minority group of "geeks" that like fancy libraries that nobody heard of. Who cares about "cobra".

boredabdel profile image

Literally every developer who writes CLI's in Go uses Cobra. The project has 27k stars in Github ( and is used by Docker, helm, skaffold among other popular tools.

Sorry if you job is to write Frontend apps :)

nikola_mandivic profile image
Nikola Mandivic

There are many libraries out there that have lots of stars and supported by Docker but not mainstream at all. I don't think I was talking about cobra specifically anyway. Not sure why you were hung up on that. Anyways, pretty confusing tutorial. It's like watching someone going through backendless rather than firestore.

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aurelievache profile image
Aurélie Vache • Edited

Can you explain the troubles with this step by step tutorial?