DEV Community

Launching Flutter.FYI

Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D on May 30, 2018

TL;DR; If you're interested in Flutter development, do check out Flutter.FYI, a blog series that I am starting up to track my exploration of this...
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Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D • Edited


I created a dedicated Twitter profile for Flutter.FYI so I could have a clean feed that posts only Flutter related articles and resources (my personal one @nitya covers a lot of ground).

If you find my posts on #Flutter valuable, do follow that one. I'm going to try to amplify things from as well (love this community).

More importantly though, I want to understand what questions folks have so I can spelunk those topics and write up deep-dive responses or share code snippets and demos to clarify that (to myself, and hopefully to you). So if you have any questions, please do share them either by tagging @flutterfyi or using #flutterfyi. I plan to monitor that account more than my personal one, for at least the next few weeks.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

This was so fun to read!!!!!

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Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D

I have to say -- y'all have done such an amazing job on the editor for It was a joy to compose, preview and ship a fairly long article with just a few quick liquid-tag inserts and markdown magic. You make me want to write more, longer posts!