DEV Community

Discussion on: Best JavaScript Frameworks to Learn as a Developer

nombrekeff profile image

Although I get your point, and it's true for most cases, I think we can definitely use it, but we must know what we are doing and expect to spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel, but we definitely can.

If the frameworks can do it why can't we? I think it can be a nice exercise to try and implement some of the features the frameworks offer!

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nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

PD: I recreated the most basics of React, like rendering, virtual DOM, hooks, etc... it's easier than it seems!

I also made an Angular replacement back in the day, just to try and better understand what happens behind the scenes.

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aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

You probably making your own framework if you want to create a well-organized, manageable codebase.

Might as well let the framework do that.

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nombrekeff profile image

I have to agree with you there!

aumayeung profile image
John Au-Yeung

I think React is less complex than Angular. React also uses plain JavaScript so you don't have to learn Angular's template syntax.

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nombrekeff profile image

Definitely, its a lot less complex, that is the main reason I use react nowadays