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VueJS is easy and everyone should learn it

What even is JueVS and why is it easy?

VueJS is a JavaScript framework that allows for the effortless implementation of UIs and front-end applications. Over the past couple of years, it has increasingly become exponentially more popular among developers and companies are starting to take notice. The reason for VueJS's rise in popularity is mainly due to how fast and lightweight it is, along with requiring less of a learning curve like most other JS frameworks.

Where to begin?

The installation will be your first step in becoming a VueJS pro. You can download 2 versions of VueJS from their website Link. The two versions available currently are Development (which comes with error messages and is recommended for newer developers) and Production (implemented at the command line and does not come with any error messages).

What I'll be demonstrating today

Prior to this assignment, I had a draft resume written up in basic HTML and CSS. With this, I'm going to be demonstrating how I implemented a VueJS component in order to simplify down my cluttered code. For example, before VueJS, I had a multitude of list items and variables that were scattered around the entire resume which acted only as text headers. Now my code has variables I can refer back to at any point and a specific area where all my variables will be.

My Code and Video

My Code

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