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Discussion on: Today's JavaScript React Dev interview Question

oathkeeper profile image
Divyesh Parmar

Oh yes you I should have directly gone with forEach after that. As I said I was still explaining and talking my approach but I do understand this is a test and I'm not supposed to make it a debate haha! :)

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admwx7 profile image
Austin Murdock

It's possible he stopped you mid working on the question for time constraints, I've had to do that quite a few times as interviews are pretty tight on time.

On the first question, spaceship.get1 = spaceship.get1.bind(spaceships) should work, though the easy answer is "don't use an arrow function to ensure proper this context" and it likely would of been accepted as the underlying question there is asking if you know how the this context works. I would give extra points if you just removed the : and => from the example.

Overall on the questions, I've run interviews like this in the past. The goal is to see how familiar you are with the more challenging concepts in their code base. I would guess they need someone now and don't have the time or resources needed to train someone on the concepts they use most frequently. This is surprisingly common and leaves out a lot of devs with strong potential that just haven't been exposed to the concepts in question.

In the case where I see an interviewee struggling on a topic I follow one of two paths:
1) if I know enough to gauge their technical skills then I use the remaining time to try and teach them the concepts so they get to learn while I get to see how well they take feedback and learn, which is a more useful skill in the long run
2) if I don't have enough information I move to a different question, this rarely happens though as I try to form my questions as extremely basic and build upon them to start with so I can also get a gauge for code extensibility and to avoid stumping people early on before I get enough information

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oathkeeper profile image
Divyesh Parmar

It's possible he stopped you mid working on the question for time constraints

Hmm I understand this totally, but he seem so much confused more than me and stuttred a lot while asking and all.

On the first question, spaceship.get1 = spaceship.get1.bind(spaceships) should work,

thank you for this, finally someone answered. I did say the almost similar thing during the interview.

This is surprisingly common and leaves out a lot of devs with strong potential that just haven't been exposed to the concepts in question.

This sums up my life in past 1 year. Thank you!

You seem really humble and mature with your approach while interviewing. This is like broadening my horizons Thank you and I guess no wonder I haven't heard from them. Maybe on Monday. Till then hustling more with my own Project.

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admwx7 profile image
Austin Murdock • Edited

It's also possible they haven't done many interviews themselves and were just as nervous as you. I still sometimes get nervous before interviewing people, if I screw up I could potentially cost someone their chance at a job.

I personally don't anticipating hearing back for at least 2 full business days and try not to get concerned unless a full business week has passed. I have a colleague that actually got an offer after 6 weeks of radio silence, I've personally had offers before I left the premise to the longest taking nearly 3 weeks from the final interview. I never anticipate hearing back from a Thursday / Friday interview before the following week, I know far too many people that like to take Fridays off early or completely.

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oathkeeper profile image
Divyesh Parmar

Wow thank you for soothing words. It really means a lot.