DEV Community

Discussion on: Things I have learned working remotely for 3 years

oleggromov profile image
Oleg Gromov

Useful advices, thanks!

I was on the other side of working from home - without any home/office separation, with crazy schedule and night working hours, burnouts and everything. It was a total nightmare! But what I like about the idea (I'm currently employed on-site but looking for a remote role) is that it demands huge self-discipline and actually highlights problems and questions I want to solve and ask. Like "what I'm passionate about" or "what is my most productive time in the day" and so on.

The question I have to you, is how do you keep developing your skills, especially soft ones, and how do you feel without constant face-to-face interaction with other developers?

bradymholt profile image
Brady Holt

I am involved with a few local meetups organized through which helps me make friends in the dev world, talk shop, and keep up with things outside my box. Also, I make a point to reach out and have lunches with people I used to work with.