Today I was upgrading Keychain to swift 4, and take this opportunity to fix the test. The tests pass on macOS, but on iOS, I get -25300 error for
var status = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, nil)
It is because there is no Keychain entitlement for test target. But this is a framework, how can I add entitlement 🤔 The solution is to use a Test Host to host the XCTest tests. See my pull request
Create test host target
First create an iOS app to act as a test host
Enable Keychain capability
Then enable Keychain capability to let Xcode automatically create an entitlement file for you. Note that you can just enter the Keychain group. You don't need go to Apple Developer dashboard to configure anything
Specify Test Host
Then in you test target, specify Test Host by using $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/
Now run your test again, it should pass 🎉
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