DEV Community

Discussion on: Why being a good programmer barely requires programming at all.

opshack profile image
Pooria A

"Only 10% of what we do has anything to do with coding"

Hmm, sorry but I think you're just doing easy engineering in your day to day work. Doesn't apply to many really but I understand why posts like this sell well. People like to believe in order to become software engineers they don't really need to get good in it but they can instead practice small talk and public speaking.

I'm just not happy that posts like this mislead newcomers into putting efforts in the wrong direction.

chris_bertrand profile image
Chris Bertrand

I agree it's a little hyperbolous but if you think newcomers shouldn't work on there interpersonal skills as well as their technical skills then I'd have to disagree with you.

opshack profile image
Pooria A

There's a difference between "you should work on your interpersonal skills" and "90% of your job depends on your interpersonal skills"

And to be honest, it's much more practical to get better in technical skills than interpersonal ones. Emotional Intelligence is not something that can get better easily with practice.