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Tamires Pimenta
Tamires Pimenta

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What running a half marathon taught me about a career in software development.

In june 10h this year it happened the biggest running event in latin america and I was there to run my secong half marathon ever, but before a explain what a learn I need to go back a few months to give you a small context.

Usually a training block for a half marathon last between 10 to 12 weeks, wich means that i've should be training for it for a least 3 months. The training cycle for a event like this it's challenging in all possible ways, you are constantly out of your confort zone teaching your body to endour longer distances and faster paces. Your sleep and nutrition need to be on point, your schedule need to be organize so you don't miss a training, you need to do strengh training for prevent injuries. Your need to be discipline and select what it's your priority in order to be successful.

woman running in pink shirt and black shorts

My experience in this secong training cycle was the worst possible, i was in the middle of grieve from a early death of my grandma, my dog got really sick and almost died. My sleep was off, i wasn't eating enough, i miss a lot of training sessions... So the taper week came around and i thougt that i could make up al those lose training sessions in the week that i suppose to be 'resting', it became very clear to me that the goal needed to change, my goal became to be present and enjoy the view and the energy of everyone aroung me.

The day of the half marathon came, and there i was, in the most magical place i've ever ran, with the most amazing group of people doing their best, and around kilometer 11 i started to feel a lot of pain in my right hip. I't was so intense and sharp that i started to walk and thought about pulling out, but i just kept walking. At the end i was in so much pain that i needed help walking and couldn't train for almost 3 months after.

woman running in rio de janeiro

This taught me the most valueable lesson, you can't show up for a challenge without organizing everything around you that will push you to success. The tech world it's very challenging and sometimes a little bit dissapointing, only if you don't dedicate to practive, build a strong base, nutruir you mind with all the knowlege possible to feel ready and confident to face whatever adversity shows in front of you. A 3 week bootcamp won't give you the amount of strength and endurance that a 12 week cycle will give you, don’t rush try to rush the process of building a strong base, don’t focuse on the fast pace, focus on the long runs, those will give you the heart and lungs for the event. Don't be afraid to show up and give your best in the training, enjoy the cycle and i garantee to you that in the event it will pay off.

woman running giving you a hand loose sign with hand

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