DEV Community

Discussion on: Windows or Mac (or Linux😁) for devs?

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Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited
  • What kind of software are you developing? Run on remote server? Run on web browser? Run on mobile? Run on client's PC?
  • Do you use Shell or Bash? Basically, I am not adept with Command Prompt and PowerShell. If you are well trained in Windows, you might be the opposite.

macOS is good for installing software, including proprietary ones, until your Mac become older than a few years.

  • The OS keeps updating, until your Mac cannot install anything, nor compile anything; if you don't update. And, it will always bug you to update.
  • Good thing is that, it is quite POSIX compliant. Bad thing is confusing keyboard layout; which will be prevent you from moving to other OSes.

WSL2 is not that good compared to real Linux desktop. Therefore, in the end, I use both Windows machine (which does have WSL2) and Linux machine (which has VirtualBox).