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Discussion on: C Programming!

pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni • Edited

I would go for the classic "address book" to start with something that goes beyond the "Hello world" :-)

An interesting book is Exercises for programmers. You can use it to pratice with other languages. There are, however, several free websites where you can find inspiration for practice, especially with algorithms.

If you want to dive into low level details, well, the first step is to get that knowledge about the theory behind OS and kernels in general. Maybe a manual on Operative Systems or Computer Architectures would help a lot in this regard.

If you really want to go with something practical, then you could start tweaking with kernel modules, and build some backdoor that hijacks system calls to hide files or connections >:-]. I did it back in the times (15+ years ago) just for fun, and it's a relatively easy task: it requires basic knowledge on kernel and few lines of C code.
Try starting from this article: If you see you lack some knowledge, then it's the right opportunity to fix the missing bit and come back to the problem when you'll feel ready to continue.

good luck! :-)

nichartley profile image
Nic Hartley

I can highly recommend this, with one small note: Be prepared to accidentally and permanently fuck up your kernel. In other words, do this on a machine you can dual-boot, in a partition with nothing but the OS in it. Simple kernel hacking like this is relatively harmless, and the odds that you'll break something too badly are small, but as you naturally expand into it you'll be more and more at risk of bricking your computer.

Strictly speaking, you don't even need to dual-boot -- a USB drive with a portable installation of the Linux flavor of your choice is enough. I'd recommend dual-booting, though, so that you literally can't lose your recovery method without losing the bricked computer and invalidating the problem.

pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni

Well, working with a LKM and some syscalls should be harmless, especially if you load it manually. Of course you might incur in some kernel panic and thus a forced reboot, but the chances to turn your computer into a brick are very low :-P

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nichartley profile image
Nic Hartley

Oh, for sure. But it's easy to go from the not-so-dangerous stuff to the very dangerous stuff without ever quite realizing, and if you already have a known-good recovery solution (in my case, nuke the partition and reinstall since there was nothing important on it anyway), you avoid the minor heart attack.

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pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni

how about a VM like VirtualBox? :-)

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nichartley profile image
Nic Hartley

I've actually run into some issues with the more esoteric bits of kernel dev when running a VM, so I tend to stay away from them. That said, if they work for you, then absolutely! Way easier than reimaging a partition.

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pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni

To be honest, I don't do kernel hacking since at least a decade or more (IIRC it was still kernel 2.4 or 2.6).
That said, a simple LKM with syscall hijacking should work even on a VM (given that you're running a non-monolitic kernel :-P)

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madsalama profile image
Mahmoud Salama

I never even thought of the possibility of "bricking" my computer, I only thought the worst I could do is wipe it clean or causing a kernel panic! Weirdly, I'm now interested to know how I can actually do that! πŸ™‰

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pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni • Edited

You risk to β€œbrick” your computer if you mainly touch drivers with low-level access to hardware. Re-defining high-level syscalls related to β€œreads” should not damage your hardware ;-)

Check this advanced example, I studied/played a lot with this (well, the first versions from the original author, Stealth):

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madsalama profile image
Mahmoud Salama

That's insightful, thanks!
Gotta get going! I'm currently reading Robert Love's 'system programming' and I have been inspired with this post to contextualize a bit. Let's see! πŸ€“βœŒοΈ

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pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni

In case you missed my edit to the previous content: