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Pedro Osternack Corrêa
Pedro Osternack Corrêa

Posted on

TIL: RxJS Observables are unicast and we can multicast them.

While working on an Angular + NgRx project I started to deal with RxJS Observables more and more, and with that, I've started to notice some interesting behaviours that were not making a lot of sense for me, a complete newcomer to the world of RxJS. One of them was during the debugging process on a test where I was asserting the number of times that an observable side-effect was being triggered, but I had subscribed to the observable to check the value being emitted.

// my observable
observable$ = event$.pipe(
  tap((val) => this.dataService.handleEvent(val))

// the test
it('should use dataService to handle the eventData', () => {
  // I've added this line for debugging purposes 
  component.observable$.subscribe((eventVal) => console.log(eventVal));

  // this was falling because the handleEvent was being called twice
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I've noticed that that test started to fail when I've added my new subscription, and would start to work again when I remove that line. That's when the concept of observable being unicast finally made sense in my head. What I was seeing was the because each of my subscribers to observable$ were getting their own copy of the observable chain or Producer (think of everything inside of the observable pipe call). So since I had 2 subscribers to my observable, every time the event$ observable emitted a value, the tap on the observable$ would be called twice, one for each subscriber.

A more concrete example

Consider the following block of code:

// creating an observable that emits once every 2 seconds.
// we want to use on the 3 first values
// and every time a value is emitted we will log a random number in the console
const observable$ = interval(2000).pipe(
  tap(() => console.log(Math.random()))

  val => console.log(`subscriber 1: value = ${val}`)
  val => console.log(`subscriber 2: value = ${val}`)
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This code will generate the following output on the console:

0.9843346569918552 ​​​​​
 subscriber 1: value = 0 
0.34568357780332915 ​​​​​
 subscriber 2: value =  0 
0.6003854545732459 ​​​​​
 subscriber 1: value = 1 
0.12901900745674388 ​​​​​
 subscriber 2: value =  1 
0.3773574643703079 ​​​​​
 subscriber 1: value = 2 
0.5661793730325613 ​​​​​
 subscriber 2: value =  2 
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So we get one random number (the tap of the original observable) for each execution of one of our subscribers. That's because each subscriber has their own version of the producer and its values (or the observable chain as I called before).

Multicasting our values

RxJS offers some operators that allow us to turn our regular unicast observables into multicast, which means that all subscribers will share the same instance of the producer and its values.
Two of them are share and shareReplay. There are others, but I find these to be the most useful ones for my use cases.

If we change the previous block of code and add the share operator to our observable like this:

const observable$ = interval(2000).pipe(
  tap(() => console.log(Math.random())),

  val => console.log(`subscriber 1: value = ${val}`)
  val => console.log(`subscriber 2: value = ${val}`)
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It will now produce the following output in the console:

0.15433905642184453 ​​​​​ 
 subscriber 1: value = 0 
 subscriber 2: value =  0 
0.6301263674328053 ​​​​​
 subscriber 1: value = 1 
 subscriber 2: value =  1 
0.20325573662904373 ​​​​​
 subscriber 1: value = 2 
 subscriber 2: value =  2 
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So now we have one random number for each execution of all of our subscribers. That's because now our producer is the same for all of our subscribers.

shareReplay does the same but it also replays the last N emitted values for new subscribers. Let's take a look at another example to compare them.


// share
const observable$ = new Subject().pipe(
    map(() => Math.random()),

  val => console.log(`subscriber 1: value = ${val}`)
  val => console.log(`subscriber 2: value = ${val}`)

// lets emit one value

// creating a third "late" subscriber
  val => console.log(`subscriber 3: value = ${val}`)

// emitting a new value
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This will produce the following output:

subscriber 1: value = 0.20616823116285787 
subscriber 2: value = 0.20616823116285787 
subscriber 1: value = 0.3700900273970813 
subscriber 2: value = 0.3700900273970813 
subscriber 3: value = 0.3700900273970813 
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So everyone is getting the same value as expected. Also, the third subscriber only received the value emitted after its creation. We can use shareReplay to cache the last emitted value (or N last values) so every new subscriber can process it.
Let's change the example above and replace the share operator with the shareReplay one.

// shareReplay
const observable$ = new Subject().pipe(
    map(() => Math.random()),
    shareReplay(1) // we can define how many values we want to cache and emit to our new subscribers, in this case we will keep only the last one.

  val => console.log(`subscriber 1: value = ${val}`)
  val => console.log(`subscriber 2: value = ${val}`)

// lets emit one value

// creating a third "late" subscriber
  val => console.log(`subscriber 3: value = ${val}`)

// emitting a new value
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Now our code will generate the following:

subscriber 1: value = 0.990542441625698 
subscriber 2: value = 0.990542441625698 
subscriber 3: value = 0.990542441625698 
subscriber 1: value = 0.8445875342331315 
subscriber 2: value = 0.8445875342331315 
subscriber 3: value = 0.8445875342331315 
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As we can see, the third observable received the first emitted value even though it was late to the party.

This is all for now, I hope this can be helpful to someone else.
Cheers and bye for now.


Oldest comments (3)

anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej

As how you might expect, under the hood of these “share*” operators there are just very smart usages of Subjects.

I think the best way to understand these is by exploring the source code. RxJS 7.x experienced a significant refactoring and the code base is approachable IMO.

Thanks for sharing!

pedrostc profile image
Pedro Osternack Corrêa

That's a pretty good tip to go through the source operator's source code, thanks for bringing it up. There's also a pretty good course on egghead on building rxjs operators that expands on that idea a bit and help a lot to understand how rxjs works and all that.

martinsotirov profile image
Martin Sotirov

This clears up a few weird behaviours that I've noticed in my last year of Angular usage. I keep getting amazed at how powerful and complex Observables can be. I also think it was a colossal mistake on Angular's part to incorporate Observables in their framework as it forces many developers who aren't ready for Observables scratch their heads at their "buggy" code. For comparison, when Promises came about some years ago, I almost immediately felt comfortable using them. They just made sense logically at a fundamental level just like objects in OOP do.