DEV Community

Discussion on: Every developer is self taught

peibolsang profile image
Pablo Bermejo • Edited

There is not such a thing as “self-taught”. Even if you learn independently, on your own without going to college, you always have to lean on materials created by others. You need to read tutorials, watch videos or whatever online material that others created with the intention of teaching you. That’s how this community is kept alive. There are no self-taught developers

sarahcodes_dev profile image
Sarah 🦄

That's kind of why I put the asterisk at the bottom but I think self-taught in this context relates to self motivated/organised/driven. You are not driven by the need to pass a class but you drive yourself to do better.

ximenavf92 profile image

Yes, to me that is what self-taught means.

You use other's content to learn but why are you looking for this content? What is the motivation to go through it and actually finish the video, blog post, tutorial, course, etc? Your parents are probably no longer telling you to "do your homework" that was assigned by a teacher at a school you go to on a regular basis. You most likely, want to improve and stay on top of best practices, whether it is for a job, money, or fun curiosity.

javier123454321 profile image
Javier Gonzalez

I'll take the opposite stance. There is no learning without teaching yourself. Tutorials, videos, books, and learning resources are information. Information by itself is worthless if not processed by you. Knowledge cannot be transferred from a teacher to a student, a teacher can only point to a path to learn, resources, and can share with the students the pitfalls and dead ends that they experienced. But learning only happens when you do the work and start to gain the experience for yourself.

alecandido profile image
Alessandro Candido

Yes, I agree with you, and I share your opinion more than the one you were replying to.

On the other hand I would like to stress the importance of teachers: it's exactly as you said, teachers are just pointing you the way, but lots of times if you have to find it on your own it's quite inefficient and time-consuming, with a lot of trial-and-error involved.

A good teacher can prepare you a priceless path, pointing you to the correct learning material and the order you should familiarize with concepts. Than the learning job it's completely up to the student, but the final result it's obtained together.