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WordPress Fallback CSS

I'm writing a WordPress theme. In it, I make liberal use of custom properties. I don't want to completely leave IE users in the cold, so as part of my build process I'm using a modified postcss-css-variables to generate fallback values.

I initially baked all this into the stylesheet, but that proved excessive. Plus, I don't want to penalize users of modern browsers. So now I'm building two stylesheets as part of the build process: one which uses custom properties, and one which contains static, fallback values. The question now is how best to load the best one for each user.

I rather like the approach that the folks at CodyHouse use for their framework:

  if('CSS' in window && CSS.supports('color', 'var(--color-var)')) {
    document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style.css">');
  } else {
    document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style-fallback.css">');
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style-fallback.css">
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Unfortunately, it's not possible using WordPress's wp_enqueue_style method to load a stylesheet inside a noscript tag. The approach I'm taking right now is the reverse of the above: I'm loading the modern stylesheet by default, then running some js to detect browsers that aren't supported:

if ( ! ( 'CSS' in window && CSS.supports('color', 'var(--color-var)') ) ) {
    const css = document.getElementById( 'screen-css' );
    css.href = css.href.replace( 'screen', 'screen-fallback' );
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This will replace the stylesheet with the fallback if custom properties are not supported. This results in no change of experience for modern browsers (aside from a little snippet of js), while IE users will get a brief FOUT while the stylesheets are swapped.

So given the limitations of how WordPress loads stylesheets, can this be improved?

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vanaf1979 profile image
Stephan Nijman • Edited

You probably found an answer by now, but let me add some options for you.

Maybe you can achieve the desired effect with html conditionals!? I wrote a article about these and other enqueue options here: (Scroll down to "Adding Conditional stylesheets:")

As for your first option... You're right that you can't enqueue noscripts, but adding these to the head is actually pretty simple. I have created a little Gist for you with a implementation of your noscript here:

Or maybe you can just restructure your Css and implement some progressive enhancements using @support. Check out this article:

Hope this helps...

I'm curious what your final solution is, so please share. ;)
