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Discussion on: Explain JSX like I'm five.

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

Fo me JSX is a first selling pont of react (and nextjs). Because I can create any HTML releated stuffs at no time with simple js (ts) function, without need to know any template language syntax. I can use any js controll sequence for put together the view.

JSX also give good abstraction for view declaration.

// nextjs also can declare head elements

const FooGameFrame = () => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useSagaReducer(mainSaga, gameReducer, initialState);
  const army = getDispatchedActions(getActionsLookup(), dispatch);
  const {game, hero} = state;

  return (
    <section className='portal-root m-2'>
          <title>Foo Game</title>
          <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
          <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json"></link>

        {game === GameMode.ROLL_CHARACTER && <CreateHero state={state} army={army} />}
        {game === GameMode.ADVENTURE_ON_MAP && <SingleAdventure state={state} army={army} />}
        {game === GameMode.BLOG && <Blog name={hero?.name} avatar={hero?.avatar} />}
      {game === GameMode.ADVENTURE_ON_MAP && <CombatZone state={state} army={army} />}
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