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Discussion on: Hacktoberfest Completion Thread

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I did it! 8) Actually my second year that I join Hacktoberfest. Last year I was stoked I got a GitHub account, didn't get too lost there, and completed as well. This year I set some goals for myself. 1) I wanted to use GitHub desktop to do a pull request and 2) I wanted to really contribute to at least one open source project. I achieved both these goals and along the way learned even more, and got even more exciting about coding and learning and basically this path I am on.

While achieving goal 1, I found this ( great first timers repo with a tutorial on how to use VSC (which I just decided to use a month or so ago) in combination with GitHub. Mind blown, I had no idea. Now I learned this and i did all the other PR this way.

Then I found a repo that was just awesome. We are making a CSS Zoo ( I really love this project, it's easy for beginners and superfriendly and fun. I translated the Readme file to Dutch (voor de Nederlandse lezers, ik heb een typfout achter gelaten zodat je deze kan fixen met een PR ;)) and added an animal.

That does leave my goal number 2.. Really contribute.. I don't know why but there are no Hacktoberfest events in the Netherlands this year. That is why I went to Dusseldorf, Germany yesterday for a Meetup from a React group who did have an event. Got up early and drove east and I am so happy I went. I met a lot of inspiring people, made friends and one 'gave' me a bug he found for my last PR (here where I also had my first experience with React and Typescript. Goal 2 :check:

Hacktoberfest 2019 was already amazing, teaching me new thing, on the way I only came across super friendly people and got inspired to push myself and get out there. Thank you @digitalocean and @devteam, thanks a lot. But Hacktober is not over yet! Now I want to see how I can maybe help others, any questions other newbies have, I am happy to help!