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Discussion on: web programming

pgrab86 profile image
Paweł Grabowski • Edited

Has your website any CMS? Any framework? What's the technology used to build it?

kelvince profile image

Used php,sql,html,js and css

pgrab86 profile image
Paweł Grabowski

Don't know, what exactly you need, but maybe a simple slider would work. Get 5 posts from database and use slick for example ( with dots (you can style it as numbers).

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kelvince profile image

Some sort of that.
Exactly what i need is pagination in php, where it will display one recent post from the database only in the homepage and display the previous post as a link

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pgrab86 profile image
Paweł Grabowski

So the same for me. Get a few posts (or partial of posts like thumb, short description, id and slug), and in a loop make a condition: if first - show article (part of article) and if next - put just links. So you have to generate links by slug or by id (no idea, what your database looks like).

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kelvince profile image

Yeah this but display the post body for one post

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pgrab86 profile image
Paweł Grabowski

You will get more content from database, than you need, but if it is just a 5-10 posts, there is completely no problem at all. And to show only one post content you have to make a simple condition like:

for( $x = 0; $x <= 10; $x++ ) {
if( $x == 0 ) {
echo $result[$i]->title;
echo $result[$i]->content;
} else {
echo '<a href="'. $result[$i]->link .'">'. $result[$i]->title .'</a>';

where $result is data from your database

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kelvince profile image

Ok let me work on this,thanks alot

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pgrab86 profile image
Paweł Grabowski

Good luck and if you will have any problems, paste here (or codepen) some part of code you have. It will be easier to help

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kelvince profile image

My pleasure