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Discussion on: Compile time type id with templates (C++)

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Pierre Gradot

I have almost skipped the "A solution" section. The code is impressive, I don't have time to understand it now, but it looks like a great template work :D

However, while reading the "Usage" section, I tend to believe you could have used std::variant from C++17. Here is an example:

#include <variant>
#include <iostream>

// Our events
class MouseEvent {
    void do_mouse_event_stuff() const {
        std::cout << "Doing MouseEvent stuff\n";

class KeyboardEvent {
    void do_keyboard_event_stuff() const {
        std::cout << "Doing KeyboardEvent stuff\n";

class JoystickEvent {
    void do_joystick_event_stuff() const {
        std::cout << "Doing JoystickEvent stuff\n";

// Another event, not recognized by the engine
class NotAnEngineEvent {

// Create a type to represent the events the engine can handle
using Event = std::variant<MouseEvent, KeyboardEvent, JoystickEvent>;

// To use with std::visit (see below)
struct EventHandler {
    void operator()(const MouseEvent& e) {

    void operator()(const KeyboardEvent& e) {

    void operator()(const JoystickEvent& e) {

int main() {
    // Create events
    Event m = MouseEvent{};
    Event k = KeyboardEvent{};
    Event j = JoystickEvent{};

    // Test the type of the event manually
    if (std::holds_alternative<MouseEvent>(m)) {
        auto e = std::get<MouseEvent>(m);

    if (auto p = std::get_if<KeyboardEvent>(&k)) {

    // With std::visit
    EventHandler handler;

    std::visit(handler, m);
    std::visit(handler, k);
    std::visit(handler, j);

    // Event bad = NotAnEngineEvent{}; // don't compile
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It is absolutely different from your solution: I don't create an ID that identifies a class. But I can determine the actual type of a generic event so that I can use its specific member functions.