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Phạm Minh Tấn
Phạm Minh Tấn

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Running Discord on Arch Linux within WSL2 on Windows

This guide will walk you through installing and running Discord on Arch Linux installed through WSL2 on your Windows machine. It is often utilized for operating Discord rich presence software

1. Installing Discord on Arch Linux:

Open your Arch Linux terminal within WSL2 and run the following command:

$ sudo pacman -S discord
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This command uses pacman, the package manager for Arch Linux, to install the official discord package.

2. Install VcXsrv on Windows:

Head over to to download and install VcXsrv on your Windows machine. VcXsrv provides an X server for Windows, which allows graphical applications running in WSL2 to display on your Windows desktop.

3. Configuring VcXsrv:

After installation, run VcXsrv. You will see a configuration window. Follow the screenshots below for the configuration steps.

4. Running Discord:

Back in your Arch Linux terminal, launch Discord using:

$ discord
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will start the Discord application.

5. Verifying XLaunch Connection:

Make sure VcXsrv (identified as XLaunch in the system tray) is running on your Windows taskbar.

If everything is configured correctly, the Discord application window should appear on your Windows desktop.
Congratulations! You're now running Discord on your Arch Linux environment within WSL2 on Windows.

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