DEV Community

Discussion on: Is entering eternal September?

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Phil Ashby

Thanks Jason, all excellent advice to try and keep the ship right-side-up :)

I did wonder if I used the right metaphor with eternal September, was struggling to find something else, perhaps an SO reference would have been better - also I probably fell victim to click-bait titling!

As I mentioned in another reply, it feels a little like admitting defeat if I have to use filters to remove things that shouldn't be here in the first place, however, it also helps lower the impact of those doing bad and they are likely to go away if their return on investment / effort is too low.

I should probably report a few more things and follow some tags ;)

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Jason C. McDonald • Edited

Yeah, I agree the best response is really two-fold:

  1. Use tags (and the experience setting in Settings > Misc to filter out the content that isn't right for you.

  2. Report content that doesn't belong on the site at all.

That isn't admitting defeat at all, but rather addressing the actual problem so it can be curbed.

And, of course, if this is something that you feel really passionate about, you could always volunteer to be a community or tag moderator! Then you get some additional tools for helping fight back against spam.