DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I am switching from Vim to IntelliJ

pianocomposer321 profile image

There was a long time when I was teetering on the edge between going full vim and using VSCode +VSCodeVim. What clinched it for me was that while VSCodeVim made the actual editing experience completely keyboard-centric, almost everything else about the UI required the mouse - things like the file tree, the tab bar, etc. And even the things that could be controlled with the keyboard often used different keybindings, like switching to the terminal vs switching to the other split. Then there's the whole issue of vimscript (and therefore most of the vim plugins) not being supported. I have since come to the conclusion that if you can use the vim emulator in an IDE without missing something about vim, then either you haven't been using vim for long enough to really understand how things work, or you are using it wrong.